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The South Carolina Women in Business (SCWIB) is a non-profit corporation increasing the economic development of female business owners by offering resources to start and grow businesses, providing mentoring programs, as well as establishing strategic alliances between members and community business leaders throughout diversified geographical areas in South Carolina.

  • A dynamic stage in which to exchange ideas, services, and contacts

  • A motivational setting in which to encourage building relationships and receive validation

  • A progressive source for cutting-edge educational programs

  • Resources and support throughout diversified geographical areas of South Carolina


  • A positive environment that encourages women to start and grow businesses

  • Strategic alliances with community business leaders to develop revenue opportunities

  • Opportunities to connect with successful women entrepreneurs

  • Educational programs featuring speakers and experts on topics of interest to businesswomen

  • Mentor aspiring female business owners
  • Provide educational programs for members
  • Facilitate communication between female business owners
  • Provide opportunities to improve business through communication
  • Access financial resources for start-ups and expansion
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©2018 All rights reserved


803-775-3687 (Sumter) 

803-360-2468 (Columbia)

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